Rules of the class to make it the most productive.
Making mistake is an art.
Never fear making a sentence because you fear making a mistake. In fact you'll progress more upon errors you made yourself and others made. So cherish mistakes. Sometimes, you progress more in making intentional mistakes. Making mistakes is an art.
Rule No 1
Making mistake is an art.
Never fear making a sentence because you fear making a mistake. In fact you'll progress more upon errors you made yourself and others made. So cherish mistakes. Sometimes, you progress more in making intentional mistakes. Making mistakes is an art.
Rule No 2
Never write a sentence/character in pinyinunless you don't know how to write them in characters. That's what the pinyin is made for. It's not for writing the language.
Rule 3: Sentence production exercises 造句
Break the lines to 15 characters per line. 每15字换行。
Signes for correction 批改记号:
[ ] Delete or to be replaced 删除或替代
【 】 Replace by or add 替代或者添加
***** Number of stars represent level of my appreciation 星号数量代表我对作业的评价水平